
christmas 2014

My favorite part of christmas has always been spending the morning opening up my stocking presents with my little brother. He would come into my room, and snuggle up under the blankets, his eyes filled with the excitement and anticipation for the upcoming day. We would then take turns opening up our stocking presents that our mother painstakingly wrapped. It was a way to keep us occupied in the early morning hours so my parents could sleep longer, and it was a way to for us to bond. We still carry on this tradition, and I plan on doing it well into our adulthood. It's something that I look forward to every year, and my absolute favorite part of christmas, because for me, Christmas isn't about getting the best gifts (though don't get me wrong, that's always wonderful) it's about the connections that I make with the people that I love, and showing them how I care for them though the time I spend with them or the gifts that I give to them. 

This year I am spending Christmas at my cousins house in Arkansa. Though she is technically my step cousin and there is no blood relation, she is just like family, and I love her just the same. I hope that all of you have a wonderful holiday season whatever celebration that you may celebrate. Be safe, and eat well.

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